Virtual Care
Virtual - Physiotherapy Initial Assessment
Unable to attend in-clinic care? No problem. If you are hurting, injured, or recovering from surgery, a remote physiotherapy session may be ideal. Sessions are conducted via Insig meeting, which is PHIPA compliant. Our physiotherapists will provide you with an online exercise program, and clear directions regarding your care.
Please contact the clinic for a pre-screen, to see if your condition is amenable to distance coaching and treatment.
Virtual - Physiotherapy Subsequent Sessions
We can support you remotely, to help you establish and maintain your rehabilitation goals. Sessions will involve reviewing movements, function and exercises, and discussing any concerns. We have processes in place to ensure that our communication lines are open, and methods to reach us with any concerns. We have your back, even when we can’t connect face to face.
In-Clinic Care
Physiotherapy Initial Assessment
On your first visit, our Physiotherapists will discuss your concerns and rehab goals, then perform a thorough physical assessment. The findings and recommended individualized treatment plan will be discussed. Together, we will get you started on your journey to recovery.
Physiotherapy Subsequent Sessions
Our team of experts utilize a personalized approach to treatment that enables our patients to reach their rehabilitation goals quickly. Our aim is to work with you, providing education, coaching, manual techniques or modalities as appropriate, to make your road to recovery as quick and effective as possible.
Chiropractic Initial Assessment
On your first visit, our Chiropractor will discuss your concerns and rehab goals, then perform a thorough assessment. Base on the findings we will co-create a treatment plan that aligns with your goals and needs.
Chiropractic Subsequent Sessions
Based on the plan of care we co-created during the assessment, our Chiropractor will utilize various techniques and modalities while also educating and coaching you through your wellness program. Our goal is to get you to your goal.
Massage - 60 min
Sometimes, you need a little more. Our longer sessions are ideal for those who have more than one area of discomfort, or require more time to relax. Our athletes often appreciate deep tissue massage and stretching to help maintain flexibility or reduce post training soreness.
Massage - 30 min
Our Registered Massage Therapists will assess your needs, and recommend manual therapeutic techniques to ease pain, muscle spasm, headaches, or stiffness. Other techniques, such as cupping, Infrared, Moist Heat, exercises,or acupuncture may be utilized to enhance your experience, and help you achieve your maximal potential.
Paediatric Assessment
There are many conditions unique to the younger population. Cerebral Palsy, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Spina Bifida, and other congenital or childhood disorders will benefit from therapists with special interest and expertise in the paediatric population. Contact the clinic for information on home, or on-site Paediatric Physiotherapy.
Paediatric Treatment
Our Paediatric Physiotherapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that fits your child’s personal needs. Please contact the clinic for referral or information.
Concussion Treatment
Once we have determined which systems require immediate attention, we will begin a multifaceted program to provide you with the most current information and treatment techniques.Your program will be continually monitored, assessed and adjusted on an ongoing basis, to help you recover as quickly as possible. We will liaise with family physicians, providing information on your status and levels of function as you recover and return to your normal activities.
Concussion Assessment
Bolton Physiotherapy Clinic is a proud affiliate of the Shift Concussion Management Group. Our staff is specially trained in the most current, evidence-based assessment and multidisciplinary treatment approaches. Our assessments involve an in depth history, and a large battery of tests to determine all sources of dysfunction, including visuomotor, vestibular, cognitive, kinesthetic, cervical, vestibular, and metabolic. A very specific treatment plan will be formulated, with focus on detailed education.
Home Visits
— $
Home visits are available upon request. Please contact Bolton Physiotherapy Clinic for pricing.
Acupuncture can relieve stressed, tired or sore muscles, or used to create flow and energy in the body. It can also provide headache relief, or relieve some concussion symptoms. Our Registered Massage Therapists, and Physiotherapists, can provide acupuncture treatments to enhance your other therapeutic experience, or as a stand alone treatment. Let us help you on your journey to recovery.